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Supported by IJustHitTheDrums
Shadow of the Wolf
A narrative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Operation Winter Scar
A narrative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Maximum Threat: A Lancer NPC Supplement
A host of Third Party NPCs and rules expansions for the LANCER system by Massif Press
An investigative mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
Tempting Uncertainties, Curious Discoveries, and Wondrous Substances - A Backwoods Cartography Supplement
A collection of curious discoveries and unusual narcotics for fantasy TTRPGs
Backwoods Cartography
A bizarre, absurdist, system-neutral fantasy setting for TTRPGs
Blades in the Dark
Daring scoundrels in a haunted city
John Harper
Blades in the Dark: Deep Cuts
A Setting & System Expansion for Blades in the Dark
John Harper
Sci-fi character portraits project
Character portraits for your sci-fi games!
Ashen Victor
The Karrakin Trade Baronies: a Lancer Setting
A Lancer RPG setting
Massif Press
Hex Kit: Spaceland Part One; Space
Sci-Fi themed tiles for Hex Kit!
Cone Of Negative Energy
Hex Kit
Hex Mapping tool for table top RPGs
Cone Of Negative Energy
Operation Solstice Rain
An introductory mission for Lancer RPG
Massif Press
An NHP Supplement for Lancer RPG
Katherine Stark
Lancer Core Book: First Edition PDF
The core rulebook and setting guide for Lancer, a game centered on pilots and their mechs.
Massif Press
Apocalypse World
Something's wrong with the world and I don't know what it is.
Meguey & Vincent Baker, et al
One Shots for the Gang
Goblin Errands
Helpful errands turn into zany misadventures in this no-prep role-playing game.
Sharkbomb Studios
Apocalypse Roadtrip
Kaiju, UFOs, and Cryptids on the Open Road
Mynar Lenahan
Time To Drop
a time loop heist game.
Marn S.
Honey Heist
You are a criminal bear with two stats: CRIMINAL and BEAR.
Definitely Wizards
A TTRPG about not being a wizard
Elliot HT Art
You're a bunch of raccoons trying to drive a car.
World Wide Wrestling: Second Edition
The tabletop roleplaying game of pro wrestling narrative action!
Nathan D. Paoletta
External Containment Bureau
An RPG of paranormal investigation and weird bureaucracy
Mythic Gazetteer
Near Future, Forged in the Dark
Goblin Quest
A tabletop RPG of fatal incompetence
Questlandia (1st edition)
A collaborative tabletop roleplaying game about personal victories in collapsing worlds.
Cozy Town
A Sweet Community Building Game
Rae Nedjadi
Ex Novo
A playable city-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios
Escape from Dino Island
The one-shot game of survival, mystery, and prehistoric beasts, powered by the apocalypse
Sam Roberts
Fedora Noir Online Card Deck
A game about a Detective and their Hat.
Arcane High
80's highschool pumped full of magic!
No Longer In Use
an exploitation body horror game of guts, gore, and revenge
Runners in the Shadows
Fantasy-cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Mark Cleveland M
Forged in the Dark games
The Wildsea
A tabletop RPG of sailing and discovery across a vibrant treetop sea
Felix Isaacs
The Golden Age
An original setting and game hack for Blades in the Dark that is inspired by early Sci-Fi like Flash Gordon.
Court of Blades - Scandal Forged in the Dark
The game of intrigue, romance, and peril, Forged in the Dark.
A Couple of Drakes
Scum & Villainy Ship: The Mastodon
A salvaging ship for the Scum and Villainy rpg.
Charge RPG
The Free, Open and Generic Role-Playing Game to Power Your Storytelling
Fari RPGs
Goblins in Shadow (EARLY ACCESS)
A game of goblin revolutionaries fighting elven oppression in a world of smoke and shadows, Forged in the Dark.
Color Spray Games
Runners in the Shadows
Fantasy-cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Mark Cleveland M
A Hard Sci-Fi Game about a Community Suriving an Authoritarian Space Regime
A Family of Blades
Modern Action & Intrigue, Forged in the Dark
A.C. Luke
Anti-Heroes: Supers, Forged in the Dark
Role Playing
Bumbling B-Side Supers
Near Future, Forged in the Dark
Cyberpunk is Dead [Forged in the Dark]
A FitD (Forged in the Dark) game of playing a faceless corp hit squad
Petri Leinonen
DISASTER/PEACE - Magical Girls Forged in the Dark
The magical girl tabletop RPG Forged in the Dark to fight darkness.
A Couple of Drakes
Hack the Planet: Cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
Fraser Simons
External Containment Bureau
An RPG of paranormal investigation and weird bureaucracy
Mythic Gazetteer
Collaborative Building
Cartograph - Atlas Edition
A solo / GM-less ttrpg of map making and discovery
The Ravensridge Press
Character Connections
Ways of linking characters together for a story or adventure.
Ennead Games
Augmented Reality
The system-neutral city kit for cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying games.
Geist Hack Games
fallible god
critical worldbuilding a religion together!
Mousewife Games
Come Rain Come Shine
A Solarpunk Collaborative Story-telling and Role-playing Game, based on the Four Points system.
Penflower Ink
A Game About A Supernatural Investigation
RISE: A Game of Spreading Evil
A Solo Dungeon Drawing Game
Cozy Town
A Sweet Community Building Game
Rae Nedjadi
A game of worldbuilding and intrigue.
Sigve Solvaag
Ex Umbra
A playable dungeon-generator and map-making game.
Sharkbomb Studios